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Core Atria Entities


Atria is a robust platform with many components and features. At its heart, there are three core entities that are central to the operation of the system:

  • Customers
  • Users
  • Services

Customers and their Users consume Services.

Atria simplifies and automates the processes required to deliver services to end-users across a large customer base. Each core entity has its own attributes and relationships.


The Customer is a container for both services and users. This structure allows a single Atria instance to manage many thousands of customers, while ensuring each customer is isolated, able to view, maintain, and manage only their own users and services.

The Customer entity refers to the end-customer, client, or tenant of the Service Provider. It includes details such as Name, Address, Contact Information, and Billing Identifiers.

Each customer is represented in one or more identity repositories, such as Active Directory, an Active Directory Organizational Unit (within a multi-tenant Active Directory), or an Entra ID Tenant. Learn more about Customers in Atria.


Users are the end-users of a customer, and they consume services. Each user is associated with an Active Directory and/or Entra ID user account. Atria stores all user attributes, such as email addresses, manager details, addresses, and uses this information to create or update associated identity accounts.

Atria manages the full lifecycle of user identities, providing functions to create, edit, disable, enable, and reset passwords, as well as manage group memberships. Learn more about Users in Atria.


Services are IT services delivered by a Service Provider to customers and their users. Examples of services include Desktop as a Service, Email, or Microsoft 365 licensing.

Atria's built-in model for services enables different systems to be represented and managed consistently, without the need to access admin consoles for each individual service.

  • Workspace: Delivers desktops, associated configuration, access control, and applications.
  • Microsoft Online: Manages the delivery of Microsoft licenses to end-users.
  • SQL Server: Automates the provisioning of SQL Server databases.
  • DNS: Manages the creation of DNS records.

Legacy Services:

  • Microsoft Hosted Exchange
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Web Hosting
  • Microsoft Skype for Business

Atria also supports the creation of custom services through configuration, allowing Service Providers to model and manage other services.

Services are assigned to customers, and, if necessary, to users as well. Each time a service is added, an automation event is triggered. This event, using the customer or user context, initiates the technical process required to enable the service. Learn more about Atria Services.


Provisioning refers to the process of taking an item from Atria and executing it within an external system. When an object is modified, a provisioning request is created. As this request is processed, the status of the related object is updated, allowing for tracking and managing faults, and confirming when the process is complete.

Provisioning Status Indicators:

GreenProvisionedThe process completed successfully.
RedProvisioning FailedProvisioning failed and an error is shown.
BluePending ChangesStatus has been manually reset.
YellowProvisioning RequestedOperation is queued but processing hasn't started.
OrangeProvisioning In ProgressRequest has been retrieved from the queue and is in progress.
GreyNot ProvisionedThe item has been removed from the system.

Provisioning statuses are updated automatically and reflect the current state of any object. Learn more about Provisioning.