Platform API Configuration Settings
The platformAPI is an internal component of the API system, in most situations it should not be necessary to change configuration settings within the PlatformAPI.
Applies to
Atria 15.18 and later
The PlatformAPI is installed on the Provisioning Server.
The following configuration settings can be made through the appSettings.json
Changes made will usually require a restart of the PlatformAPI service, this will impact any Atria users while the service restarts.
Configuration Setting | Purpose | Default |
externalApiTokenExpiryDays | Lifespan in DAYS of an External API token, these are generated against user accounts within Atria | 180 |
spCommandTimeOutSeconds | Where connections are made to SQL Server directly, this specifies the timeout in seconds | 300 |
ApplicationInsights | Deprecated | |
OutgoingRequestTimeoutSeconds | Specifies timeout in SECONDS for outbound HTTP requests to other APIs | 240 |