How to apply updates to Atria v15.x
Each release of Atria may have updates to one or more Atria components. You only need to update the components that you have changed.
The PowerShell Module, Atria Tools, is used to manage the download and installation of the Atria Nuget packages.
Use this document to learn how to identify components with updates available and subsequently update them.
Applies to
Atria V15 and newer.
There are two methods available for updating your Atria environment. You can chose to update all the components to the latest version or update them one by one using specific commands allowing you to specify the version. If choosing the second method, it is important to note that there can be dependencies between components. We hence recommend deploying in the order outlined in this document.
Note - if a component has not changed, you will not need to update that component. Older components will be updated infrequently (For example, SharePoint Web Service). More recent or common components (Such as Microsoft Online, or the Atria Database) are likely to have more frequent updates.
Method 1: Update All Out-of-Date Components
Starting on Atria v15.19+, there is a function included on the Atria modules which checks what components are out of date and then will update them accordingly. If planning to update into a specific version (not the latest), please use the second method to update the componenets individually.
On the Provisioning Server, run PowerShell as Admin. By default, running this function connects to the existing Atria Feed the user has connected with (Connect-AtriaFeed) and also this does the Database Backup for AtriaConfigService, OLM and OLMReports.
If you are having trouble connecting to the Atria Feed, use the following command to update it:
Connect-AtriaFeed -UserName '<any username>' -PersonalAccessToken '<access token provided by Atria Support>' -FeedUrl ''
You can contact our support team at for your Personal Access Token.
- Run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session:
Restart your session.
Update the out of date components:
Scenario 1 (Default)
Scenario 2 (Skip Database Backup)
Update-AtriaOutOfDateComponents -SkipDBBackup
Scenario 3 (Use a specific FeedURL)
Update-AtriaOutOfDateComponents -UserName '<any username>' -PersonalAccessToken '<access token provided by Atria Support>' -FeedUrl ''
Running the command may prompt on the PowerShell window if there is a need to run a command on the Atria Web Server or Atria Web Services server. If this happens, just copy the command then run it on the target server.
Sample Screenshots
Service Schemas:
Web Service Components:
Method 2: Update Individual Components
- Identify components with updates available:
Get-AtriaComponent -ListOutOfDate | ft
This connects to the Atria NuGet feed, and compares what is available, with the currently installed components. It is important that the updates are installed in the recommended order.
- Identify the components that need updating using the command above.
- Apply the updates using the appropriate update command:
For the WebServices - These will be for example Update-AtriaMSOL for the Microsoft Online service, or Update-AtriaADFS for the ADFS component. For a full list of these, please see the "Notes" section at the bottom of the page.
If you run the Update command on a component which doesn't need updating, the process will retrieve and redeploy the same version. This can be handy for solving problems, but it will slow the update down if the component hasn't been deployed, and you attempt to run the update command, the process will likely fail (this is logged for improvement)
Recommended Approach
Start on the Platform provisioning server (Typically it has most of the back-end components which are more likely to change, (i.e. components 1 through 8 above))
- Find the components that need updating, update them in the above order.
- Update any web services on the machine at the same time.
- Repeat the process on the web server.
Setting up the Atria Tools Module if not installed
Install Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap from Powershell Gallery
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Script Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap
Update the Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap Script to point to Public Beta Feed
notepad 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts\Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1'
Update the $RepositoryLocation value
$RepositoryLocation = ''
Install Atria.Tools module from the script
Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1 -username 'any username' -PersonalAccessToken 'access token provided by Automate101'
Setting the Web Service credential
If this is the first time you are performing an upgrade, there is chances that the Atria Service Schema credential hasn't been set. Please run the below to set this (It is a one time configuration)
$Creds = (Get-Credential)
Set-AtriaServiceSchemaCredential - AtriaPortalCredential $Creds
Please note - If you have Atria MFA enabled, this will need to be disabled during the upgrade as the Service Schema doesn't support MFA at this stage.
Web Service Commands
Atria Web Service | PowerShell Command |
AzureAD | Update-AtriaAzureAD |
Exchange | Update-AtriaExchange |
HostedAppsAndDesktops | Update-AtriaHostedAppsAndDesktops |
Microsoft ADFS | Update-AtriaMicrosoftAdfs |
MSOL | Update-AtriaMsol |
MySQL | Update-AtriaMySql |
SharePoint | Update-AtriaSharepoint |
SkypeForBusiness | Update-AtriaSkypeForBusiness |
WindowsWebHosting | Update-AtriaWindowsWebHosting |
Workspace | Update-AtriaWorkspace |
Atria Schema Command
The below command will import all service schemas that are installed, or you can specify individual schema's with the '-service' parameter. We recommend doing the -Installed parameter to speed the process up.
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Installed
Atria Extension Command
The below command will import all Atria extensions that are installed, or you can specify individual extension with the '-Extension' parameter. We recommend doing the -Installed parameter to speed the process up.
Import-AtriaExtension -Installed