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Atria Installation


This article outlines the install process for the Atria Platform. This assumes no pre-existing instance of Atria, CPSM or Cortex.

System Requirements

In order to install Atria v15 you MUST complete the prerequisite components noted in the following article: Atria Prerequisites

Atria v15 Clean Installation Check List

Here is a check list summary to ensure the environment is ready for install:

  • .Net Framework 4.8

    • Ensure that .Net Framework 4.8 is installed on all servers involved in the environment. This is required for the proper functioning of applications that depend on the Microsoft .NET ecosystem.
  • PowerShell 5.1

    • Verify that PowerShell 5.1 is installed on all servers. PowerShell is essential for automating configuration tasks and running scripts necessary for system management.
  • Servers are Domain Joined

    • All servers must be joined to the Active Directory (AD) domain. Domain-joined servers allow centralized authentication, security policy enforcement, and integration with other domain services.
  • Active Directory Schema has been Extended

  • Install Erlang and RabbitMQ

    • Install Erlang and RabbitMQ on designated servers. Erlang is required for RabbitMQ, which supports messaging infrastructure. Follow the detailed steps at RabbitMQ Installation.
  • Configure RabbitMQ and AtriaMessaging DNS Entry

    • Configure RabbitMQ according to system requirements and add the appropriate DNS entries for message routing. See the step-by-step guide at Atria System Requirements.
  • Atria Network Ports are Open and Accessible

    • Ensure that required network ports are open and accessible between relevant servers. This includes ports for communication between application components. Review specific port configurations in Atria System Requirements.
  • SQL Server is Running and Accessible

    • Verify that SQL Server is installed, running, and accessible from both the Provisioning Server and Web Server. The database engine must allow incoming connections and support authentication for application data storage and retrieval.

Atria Installation Summary at a glance

The following table summarises the steps in the install process

StepItem DescriptionNotes
1Install Atria.Tools.Setup-BootstrapThis needs to be installed on all servers and provides access to Atria tools module.
2Install Atria Tools ModuleThis needs to be installed on all servers and provides access to Atria installer commands.
3Test Atria PrerequisitesThis ensures all prerequisites for Atria are correctly configured.
4Deploy Components (Provisioning Server)
- Config Service Component
- Register Atria Environment
- Database Component
- Atria Agent Component
- Platform API Component
- Provisioning Component
- Provisioning Manager Component
- DirectoryWS Component
- Refer to to get more information about Config Service Component
- Database Component installs Atria databases (OLM and OLM Reporting) on SQL server
- Atria Agent Component is responsible to install required services to communicate between environments
- Platform API Component includes all APIs used within Atria environment
- Provisioning Component will deploy provisioning service and required files
- Provisioning Manager provides UI to access and view provisioning rules, events and actions
- Directory Component installs all required files to communicate with Active Directory
5Transfer Certificates from Provisioning server to Web serverRefer to Transfer Certificates for a step by step walkthrough
6Deploy Components (Web Server) - Web Server Components- This applies to Web Server
7Import Atria Schema- This applies to the Provisioning Server
8Import Atria Extension- This applies to the Provisioning Server
9Post Installation ProcessRefer to Remote Environment Configuration

Installation Guide

Once the prerequisites are met, you can run the following commands in PowerShell to start installing Atria components on to the Provisioning Server.

Run commands using PowerShell (Administrator Mode)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Script Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap

Install Atria.Tools Module From the Script


You will need the Access Token provided by Atria Support to run this command.

Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1 `
-username 'Company Name' `
-PersonalAccessToken 'Access token provided by Atria'

This will install 2 Atria modules: Atria.Tools and Atria.Platform


Repeat these steps to each server that you will run the Atria package installers. For a standard setup, this includes the Provisioning and Web Server.


You do not need to run these commands on the database server since we will pass database server parameters when running the command to install.

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisites

Starting on version 15.24, there is a new PowerShell cmdlet that is added on the Atria.Tools module:


Currently, the cmdlet does the following:

  • Checks if the server is online. For SQL server, it also checks if the SQL Port is open.
  • Checks if the Active Directory Schema is extended.
  • PowerShell version matches the requirement of Atria.
  • .NET Framework version matches the requirement of Atria.
  • Additional:
    • Checks for RabbitMQ Ports (5672, 5671)
    • Lookup for the AtriaMessaging DNS record

RabbitMQ will only be using one port, so one of the checks will fail.

  • If SSL has been setup, the RabbitMQ port in use will be 5671.
  • If SSL has not been setup, the port in use will be 5672.

To test these, you can use the following command:

Test-NetConnection -Computer (Provisioning Server) -port (5671/5672)
Cmdlet Parameters

Option 1 - All Servers


DC, SQL, Provisioning and Web Server will be checked

All Servers

-AllServers -DomainController 'ADServerName' -SqlServer 'SQLServerName' -SqlServerPort 'SQLPort' -ProvisioningServer 'ProvisioningServerName' -WebServer 'WebServerName' -AtriaMessagingDnsAlias 'AtriaMessaging'


AtriaMessagingDnsAlias - Optional. By Default this already checks for AtriaMessaging

Test-AtriaPlatformInstallPrerequisites -AllServers -DomainController '<ADServerName>' -SqlServer '<SQLServerName>' -SqlServerPort '<SQLPort>' -ProvisioningServer '<ProvisioningServerName>' -WebServer '<WebServerName>' -AtriaMessagingDnsAlias 'AtriaMessaging'

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisite - All Servers Option 2 - Specific Server Only


Specific server will be checked

Domain Controller

-DomainControllerOnly -DomainController 'ADServerName'

Test-AtriaPlatformInstallPrerequisites -DomainControllerOnly -DomainController '<ADServerName>'

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisite - All Servers

SQL Server

-SQLServerOnly -SqlServer 'SQLServerName' -SqlServerPort 'SQLPort'

Test-AtriaPlatformInstallPrerequisites -SQLServerOnly -SqlServer '<SQLServerName>' -SqlServerPort '<SQLPort>'

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisite - SQL Server Only

Provisioning Server

-ProvisioningServerOnly -ProvisioningServer 'ProvisioningServerName'

Test-AtriaPlatformInstallPrerequisites -ProvisioningServer '<ProvisioningServerName>'

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisite - Provisioning Server Only

Web Server

-WebServerOnly -WebServer 'WebServerName'

Test-AtriaPlatformInstallPrerequisites -WebServerOnly -WebServer '<WebServerName>'

Test Atria Platform Install Prerequisite - Web Server Only

Once prerequisite checks have been carried out and succeeded, you can continue.

Provisioning Server

Config Service Component

The Config Service centrally stores configuration and secrets and is used by all Atria components.

By default, you can use the following command to install the config service database:


Ensure all highlighted parameters are defined using the rules below before running.

Install-AtriaConfigService `
-Credential (Get-Credential) `
-StorageConnectionString 'Server=(SQL Server Name);Database=AtriaConfigService;Trusted_Connection=True' `
-MessagingUrl 'Your RabbitMQ Messaging URL' `
-MessagingUsername 'Rabbit MQ Username' `
-MessagingPassword 'Rabbit Mq Password' `

This installer will create a database called AtriaConfigService on the database server specified, ensure this is added to your backup routines.

  • Credential: A domain administrator credential required to run the installers. You will be prompted for this when running the command:

  • Credential Prompt
  • StorageConnectionString: The connection string for the database, including the server\instance and port.

    • Replace (SQL Server Name) with your SQL server name.
  • MessagingUrl: The alias or URL for the RabbitMQ messaging service.

    • The first part of the URL will either be amqps:// if you have configured RabbitMQ to use SSL or amqp:// if you haven't.
    • the second part should be the FQDN for your RabbitMQ Management site (e.g. atriamessaging.domain.local).
    • Finally, you need to add the port on the end. :5671 if you have configured RabbitMQ to use SSL or :5672 if not.
    • Example URL: amqps://
  • MessagingUsername: The username for the RabbitMQ admin account.

  • MessagingPassword: The password for the RabbitMQ admin account.

  • StorageType: Specifies the type of storage to be used. Options include:

    • -UseSQLStore for SQL-based storage
    • -UseFileSystemStore for file system-based storage
    • -UseKeyVaultStore for Azure Key Vault-based storage

Register Atria Environment

You will need to run this command before installing the Database Component.

Information Required for Registering Atria

  • Environment: Specifies the environment where Atria will be registered. Accepted values:

    • 'Staging'
    • 'Production'
  • CRMId: The CRM deployment identifier.

    • Note: This will be provided by Atria Support.
  • Customer: The name of the customer.

    • Replace 'Customer Name' with your businesses name. Please note this can be changed at a future date.
Set-AtriaRegistrationDetails `
-Environment 'Production' `
-CRMId 'CRMID provided by' `
-Customer 'Customer Name'

Database Component

Before installing database component, please make sure that your database server is running and accessible via the provisioning server. You can use the following command to check the connectivity:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName 'AtriaSQL' -Port 1433

If this isn't working, please refer back to Prerequisites.

Install Database

Install-AtriaDatabase -ServerInstance 'SQL Server Name\Instance' -ServerPort '1433' -UseWindowsAuth
  • Instance is optional depending on SQL Server setup. Please make note of this during setup of SQL Services. Make sure to change the -ServerPort parameter if you are using a different port for SQL.

  • Make sure that the account has sysadmin role into the database.

  • You can use -SQLCredential as an alternative for -UseWindowsAuth. depending if Mixed Mode Authentication has been enabled against the Database.

  • This command make take a while to complete.

Service Provider Admin Credentials

When installing the database, it will generate your Service Provider Credentials. Make note of these as they will be used to login to the Atria Platform once setup is complete.


Keep using the provisioning server when running the following commands.

Atria Agent Component


PlatformAPI Component


Provisioning Component


From Atria v15, provisioning engine is a separate component from the provisioning manager UI.

Provisioning Manager Component


Directory Web Service Component


Certificate Transfer

Before setting up the web server, you need to transfer the Atria Root CA certificate from the Provisioning server to the Web server. Refer to this document for a step by step walkthrough: Transfer Atria Root CA

Web Server

Before running the commands in next step to install Atria web components, transfer certificates from Provisioning server to your Web server.

Web Component

The Atria Web component includes 4 different components - you can install all of them by using the following command:


Or install each component individually with:


Import the Atria Service Schemas (Provisioning Server)

Set the credentails to your Service Provider Admin Credentials created earlier.

$atriacreds = (Get-Credential)
Set-AtriaServiceSchemaCredential -AtriaPortalCredential $atriacreds
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service <servicename>

We have many different services within our product. the ServiceName for each is described in the table below and the service it relates to:

Service Schema NameDescription
ADSyncActive Directory synchronization service
AzureADAzure Active Directory service
CitrixCitrix service for virtual apps and desktops
CitrixDaaSCitrix Desktop as a Service (DaaS) for cloud-hosted desktops
DNSDNS Service for Windows DNS and BIND
ExchangeMicrosoft Exchange On-Premise
FSSFile Sync Service
HostedAppsAndDesktopsHosted applications and desktops service
MFAMulti-Factor Authentication service
MicrosoftAdfsMicrosoft Active Directory Federation Services
MSOLMicrosoft Online Services
SharefileCitrix ShareFile service
SharepointMicrosoft SharePoint service
SkypeForBusinessSkype for Business communication service
VirtualMachineVirtual Machine management service
WorkspaceWorkspace services
WindowsWebHostingWindows web hosting service

If installing MSOL, you will need to install AzureAD first. If you are installing Citrix or Citrix Daas, you will need to install Workspace first.

Example: You can add multiple different Service Schema's to be imported at the same time - Or you could do them one at a time. An example of this is below

Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service ADSync,AzureAD,CitrixDaas,DNS,Exchange,MFA,Msol,VirtualMachine,Workspace,WindowsWebHosting

Install Atria Web Services

You need to install the Web Services for the Service Schemas that you have imported. Use the following commands that relate to your chosen services.

Atria Web ServicePowerShell Command
Microsoft ADFSInstall-AtriaMicrosoftAdfs

For services that aren't listed in the table, use the same naming scheme.

Import the Atria Extensions (Provisioning Server)

Import-AtriaExtension -Extension @('AdUserSync','PowerShell','DatabaseMaintenance','SystemJob')

Post-Installation Steps

After successfully completing the installation, it is essential to validate that everything is functioning as expected. Begin by navigating to https://atriaweb/ to verify that the environment is accessible and the application is running smoothly.

Next, to ensure secure communication and proper access to the front-end website, you’ll need to configure SSL bindings in IIS. This can be done via the AtriaProxy site in IIS, where you will:

Add the appropriate hostname for the front-end website. Apply a valid SSL certificate to secure traffic between users and the server. These steps help to enhance security and ensure the application is accessible via HTTPS, providing users with a seamless and secure experience.

Once Atria has been successfully installed, you can move onto our Getting Started with Atria section to begin learning and using the platform.