Moving Customers Between Resellers
Moving customers between resellers may be necessary for various business or operational reasons, including:
- Reseller Consolidation: Combining customer accounts under fewer resellers to simplify management.
- Service Upgrades: Transferring customers to resellers with more comprehensive service offerings.
- Reseller Termination: Reassigning customers when a reseller is no longer active or supported.
User moves can only be performed by Service Provider Administrators or Reseller Administrators. When moving a customer, they are also moved within Active Directory to the new Reseller OU.
Important Notes
- When a customer is moved, all services provisioned to the customer are also moved, meaning all users are re-provisioned.
- If the destination customer doesn’t have a service currently provisioned to the user, the user cannot be moved. The service must be provisioned at the destination customer before the user can be moved.
- Services and Service Plans must be equal between resellers.
- Example: If the customer uses Workspace and the new reseller doesn't have Workspace, the move cannot proceed.
How to Move a Customer via the Web Interface
- Navigate to the Customer Move Function:
- Go to
Customers > Configuration > Customer Move
- Go to
- Select the Customer and New Reseller:
- Choose the customer you want to move.
- Select the new reseller where you want the customer to be moved.
- Click Load Customers to run a validation process.
- This confirms that service plans for both resellers are compatible.
Match Relevant Plans:
- Match the relevant service plans between the source and destination resellers.
- If running multi-location, configure the customer’s new location.
- Move the Customer:
- Select Move once service plans have been correctly matched.
- A confirmation screen will appear once the database move is successful.
- While the user(s) and service(s) are being re-provisioned, this action will be shown as a bulk request on the Provisioning Requests screen.
How to Move a Customer via the API
- Prepare the API Request:
- Set the
of the customer to match the newParentID
of the destination reseller. - Ensure that service plans are correctly configured for both resellers.
- Set the
Example API Request:
$ApiRequest = @"
<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>
<request version=`"1.0`" action=`"SET`">
# Initialize the client
$client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient -Property @{
Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential(Get-Credential)
$apiUrl = "https://atriaweb/cortexapi/default.aspx"
$response = ""
[xml]$xml = $response = $client.UploadString($apiUrl, $apiRequest)
For any questions or issues you may experience with the Customer Move feature, please contact us at