Workspace Deployment Guide
This guide walks through the process of deploying Workspace into an existing Atria deployment.
Applied to Atria Version
15.18 onwards
Setup the Workspace Service
PowerShell Deployment
The method at this stage varies depending on which Atria version you are using. If you don't know which version you are running, you can view this at the bottom of the Home page on the Atria Web UI.
- v15.23 or before
- v15.24 onwards
- On the provisioning server, run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session:
This will install the Workspace Web Service:
- Import the Workspace Service into Atria:
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service WorkSpace
- Query the Workspace Web Service Credentials from IIS:
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool /name:"$=Atria WorkSpaceWS AppPool" /text:* | findstr "name: userName: password: password"
Make note of these credentials as they will be required at a later stage.
- On the provisioning server, run the following command in an elevated PowerShell session:
This will install the Workspace Web Service:
- Import the Workspace Service into Atria:
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service WorkSpace
- Setup the WebServiceConnect Credentials within IIS:
- Verify that the Credentials haven't already been set:
Get-AtriaInstallerCredential -Component WebServiceConnect -Server (Provisioning Server Name)
This should return nothing.
- Create the WebServiceConnect Credentials:
- When prompeted for credentials, set the username in the following format:
- Domain\Atria_Connect_####
- Where Domain is the Name of your domain, and #### is 4 random characters (e.g. HjkL).
- Create a password
Set-AtriaInstallerCredential -Component 'WebServiceConnect' -Server (Provisioning Server Name) -Credential (Get-Credential)
- Run
in your PowerShell window to implement the credentials in IIS:
Make note of the credentials as they will be required at a later stage.
Customer and User Plans
At this stage in the process, it is important to understand what Customer and User Plans are in the context of Workspace.
User Plans are a user level configuration option that can be used for tracking billing.
Customer Plans are a customer level configuration option that can be used for configuring Terminal Services and Profile Settings.
Both User Plans and Customer Plans can be fully customised to allow for any configuration options. Further info on the way that user and customer plans can be used can be found here: Service Plans
Further info on Workspace specific Customer plan configuration can be found here: Workspace Customer Plans
Atria Deployment
Enable the Workspace service in
Configuration > System Manager > Service Deployment
At the Top Level:
Select Top Environemnt Services in the Service Filter.
Open Workspace with the green arrow.
To enable the service at this level, you must select at least 1 user and customer plan. If you have already setup any User or Customer Plans, they can be selected here. If not, then open both sections and create new plans named Default. You do not need to specify any configuration options for these.
Click Save
At the Location Level:
Select Active Directory Location Services in the Service Filter.
Open Workspace with the green arrow:
- Open User and Customer Plans and select at least one of each.
The Publish tick box will enable the plans at reseller level for all resellers throughout the hierarchy.
- Click Save
- Select Server Roles on the left, or from within the System Manager, and enable the Workspace Role on the Provisioning Server:
- Click Save
- Select Credentials on the left, or from within the System Manager, and Add a new record within the credentials generated in the PowerShell Deployment and the Domian:
- Select Server Connections on the left, or from within the System Manager, click New Connection and enter the details below:
- Server Role: Workspace
- Server: Choose your provisioning server.
- Credentials: Choose the credentials setup in the previous step.
- URL Base: /WorkSpace/Api
- Protocol: http
- Port: 8095
- Timeout: 200000
- Click Save
We have also created a Scribe for this process: Workspace - Configuring Server Properties.
Workspace can now be provisioned to resellers, customers, and users. But before this, you will need to create some Workspace items types, and items.