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How to Use Atria's New UI


We are currently in development of a new UI which will change the look of Atria's web portal. We have implemented a feature that allows you to test out the New UI so you can get used to the new look and provide any feedback you may have.


  1. Login to the Atria Portal.

  2. Click on your account name and My Account in the top right:

Rest API Setup
  1. You will notice a new toggleable feature: New User Experience

New UI

  1. Turn this feature on and navigate through Atria to explore the new UI:

New UI

New UI

New UI

  1. To return to the old UI, use the same toggle.


Atria's new UI aims to not only improve the looks and feel of Atria, but to also enhance the user experience. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contact us at