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How to Delete User Plans


The following guide will demonstrate how to delete user plans from your Atria environment. Workspace will be used as an example but this applies to all services.


  1. Navigate to Customers > Customers, and expand the Customer which contains the User Plan you want to delete.

  2. Click on Services, expand the service which contains the plan you want to delete, and click Advanced Settings.

  3. Deselect the User Plan that you want to remove and click Provision:

Delete User Plans

  1. Navigate to Configuration > System Manager > Service Deployment, and select Active Directory Location Services from the Service Filter on the left:

Delete User Plans

  1. Expand the service which contains the plan you want to delete, click User Plans, deselect the User Plan that you want to delete, and click Apply Changes:

Delete User Plans

  1. Select Top Environment Services from the Service Filter on the left.

  2. Expand the service which contains the plan you want to delete, expand the User Plan that you want to delete, click Delete, and Confirm:

Delete User Plans

Unable to Delete

If the Delete button is greyed out, or you are unable to deselect the User Plan, you will need to workout where else in the platform the plan is being used.

The fastest way to find this out is to use the below SQL query. This will show you all of the User Plans being used.

You can then copy this into a spreadsheet and filter by the plan you are looking to delete.

Once you have determined which Customers use the User Plan, remove it from them using the first 3 steps in this guide.

SELECT U.Label AS 'User Full Name', U.UPN, U.Name AS 'UserName', C.Label AS 'Customer Full Name', C.Name AS 'Customer Code', AL.Label AS 'Hosted Exchange User Plan Name'
FROM vw_UserServices vw_US
INNER JOIN Users U ON vw_US.userid = U.Userid
INNER JOIN Customers C ON U.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
INNER JOIN AccessLevels AL ON vw_US.AccessID = AL.AccessID
WHERE vw_US.Service = 'Workspace'
  • Replace Workspace with the service which contains the User Plan you want to delete.
    • If you aren't sure of the service name, use the following query to view the available User Services:

If you have any questions or require any assistance with this process, you can contact us at