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Database Maintenance Extension


The Database Maintenance Extension runs a set of scripts to maintain the logs, requests, requestlogs, and azuresyncjob tables, as well as perform Index Maintenance in Atria. This can be used to increase performance and clear up space in your atria database.

The Database Maintenance Extension is configured as a scheduled job that runs in the Atria platform. This guide will show you how to setup and configure the Database Maintenance Job within Atria.

High-Level Process

When the Database Maintenance Job is executed, it follows these steps:

1: Retrieve Parameters: Defined for the extension.

2: Trim Azure Sync Job Table

3: Trim Logs Table

4: Trim RequestLogs Table

5: Shrink Database

6: Perform Index Maintenance


  1. Navigate to your Provisioning Server, and run the following command in an administrative PowerShell session to determine whether the Database Maintenance is installed:
Get-AtriaComponent -Name DatabaseMaintenance
  1. If the component is not already installed, run the following command to install it:
Import-AtriaExtension -Extension DatabaseMaintenance

Import Atria Extension

  1. Once this has been installed, navigate to Configuration > Jobs and click + Add.

  2. Fill out the New Job Form with the following parameters:

  • Label: Database Maintenance System
  • Task: Database Maintenance
  • Execution: Scheduled
  • Log Level: Verbose (Enabled)
  • CRON Expression:
0 0 * * 0
  • Configuration:
"RunTrimAzureSyncJobs": false,
"RunTrimLogs": false,
"RunTrimRequestLogs": false,
"RunShrinkDatabase": false,
"RunIndexMaintenance": false,
"StopOnError": false,
"AzureSyncJobRetentionDays": 30,
"LogsRetentionDays": 30,
"RequestLogsRetentionDays": 30,
"Truncate": false,
"ShrinkTargetPercent": 10,
"BatchSize": 5000,
"TimeOutInMinutes": 20,
"IndexMaintenanceProperties": {
"Databases": "OLM",
"FragmentationLow": null,
"FragmentationLevel1": 5,
"FragmentationLevel2": 30,
"MinNumberOfPages": 500,
"FillFactor": 100,
"PadIndex": null,
"UpdateStatistics": null,
"OnlyModifiedStatistics": "N",
"TimeOutInMinutes": 10

Database Maintenance

  1. Click Save and run the job using the 3 dots on the right to test it.

Database Maintenance


This is a default configuration for the Database Maintenance job. The job has been set to run with none of the features enabled every Sunday at 00:00. To change the scheduling of the job, use the CRON expression. You can use the guide found here to learn more about CRON expressions within Atria. Continue with the guide to find out the how each parameter/ feature works or use our recommended configuration below.


Our recommended configuration is shown in the following JSON block below. Tasks can be enabled or disabled by setting the value to true/false:

"RunTrimAzureSyncJobs": true,
"RunTrimLogs": true,
"RunTrimRequestLogs": true,
"RunShrinkDatabase": true,
"RunIndexMaintenance": true,
"StopOnError": true,
"AzureSyncJobRetentionDays": 30,
"LogsRetentionDays": 30,
"RequestLogsRetentionDays": 30,
"Truncate": true,
"ShrinkTargetPercent": 10,
"BatchSize": 5000,
"TimeOutInMinutes": 20,
"IndexMaintenanceProperties": {
"Databases": "OLM",
"FragmentationLow": null,
"FragmentationLevel1": 5,
"FragmentationLevel2": 30,
"MinNumberOfPages": 500,
"FillFactor": 100,
"PadIndex": null,
"UpdateStatistics": null,
"OnlyModifiedStatistics": "N",
"TimeOutInMinutes": 10

Configuration Flags


  • Description: Lets clients decide if trimming the Azure sync jobs table is necessary.
  • Default Value: false


  • Description: Allows deciding whether to run scripts for trimming the logs table.
  • Default Value: false


  • Description: Allows deciding whether to trim the request logs table.
  • Default Value: false


  • Description: Gives clients the option to shrink the database after tables are trimmed.
  • Default Value: false


  • Description: Resolves fragmentation issues and updates statistics for all tables in the database.
  • Default Value: false


  • Description: Logs errors and continues with the next job by default. Use this flag to stop the process if an error occurs.
  • Default Value: false

Retention Days Settings


  • Description: Number of days to retain information in the Azure Sync Job table.
  • Default Value: 30


  • Description: Number of days to retain information in the logs table.
  • Default Value: 30


  • Description: Number of days to retain information in the request logs table.
  • Default Value: 30

Shrink and Truncate Settings


  • Description: When true, truncates the database based on ShrinkTargetPercent. Frees up space in the database and returns it to the operating system. When false, shrinks the database with the NoTruncate argument.


  • Description: Defines the target percentage for shrinking the database when Truncate is set to true.

Batch Processing Settings


  • Description: Defines the number of records to delete in each batch when processing large tables.
    • As the logs table might have a large number of records to be deleted, it might escalate the locking on the logs table, which prevents other users from accessing the table, causing significant problems. To prevent such issues, a batching process is used to delete records.


  • Description: Sets the timeout for Entity Framework (EF) commands. Useful for databases with large amounts of data.

    • When sending a request from Atria to the database, Entity Framework handles the request and waits for the task to complete. On a database with a large amount of data, the timeout for EF commands may need to be increased. This property allows you to customize the time for your requests.
    • Suggestion: If you run the Maintenance database for the first time, it is recommended to increase the timeout to a greater value.
  • Default Value: 20 minutes

Index Maintenance Specific Properties


  • Description: Specifies the databases on which to perform index maintenance. This is a comma-separated list.
  • Default Value: OLM
  • Note: If you specify any database other than OLM, ensure OLMUser has permissions to modify objects in specified databases.

Fragmentation Levels

  • FragmentationLow: Action for indexes with low fragmentation (less than FragmentationLevel1).
    • Default Value: null
  • FragmentationMedium: Action for indexes with medium fragmentation (between FragmentationLevel1 and FragmentationLevel2).
  • FragmentationHigh: Action for indexes with high fragmentation (greater than FragmentationLevel2).

Fragmentation Thresholds

  • FragmentationLevel1: Lower threshold for fragmentation.
    • Default Value: 5%
  • FragmentationLevel2: Upper threshold for fragmentation.
    • Default Value: 30%

Additional Index Settings

  • MinNumberOfPages: Minimum number of pages for index maintenance to be performed.
    • Default Value: 500
  • FillFactor: Fill factor when rebuilding the index.
    • Default Value: 100
  • PadIndex: Padding index to apply.
    • Default Value: null
  • UpdateStatistics: Specifies how to update statistics on tables. Available values: ALL | TABLE | COLUMN | NULL.
    • Default Value: null
  • OnlyModifiedStatistics: Updates only modified objects since the last statistics update.
    • Default Value: "N"
  • TimeoutInMinutes: Timeout for performing updates.

Stored Procedures

The following stored procedures are provided to maintain the database:

  • dbo.sp_MaintenanceTrimAzureSyncJobs
  • dbo.sp_MaintenanceTrimLogs
  • dbo.sp_MaintenanceTrimRequestLogs
  • dbo.sp_MaintenanceShrinkDatabase
  • dbo.sp_MaintenanceIndexOptimize

Log Messages

CodeLog MessageLog Level
DM-00Initialize Database Maintenance ConfigurationVerbose
DM-01Started Running Database Maintenance ScriptsVerbose
DM-02Finished Running Database Maintenance ScriptsVerbose
DM-03Error While Running Database Maintenance Database. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-04Retrieve Database Maintenance ParametersVerbose
DM-11Call Trim Azure Sync Job ScriptInfo
DM-12Error While Trimming Azure Sync Job. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-13Finished Running Trim Azure Sync Job ScriptInfo
DM-21Call Trim Logs ScriptInfo
DM-22Error While Trimming Logs Script. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-23Finished Running Trim Logs Script. {number of rows} Rows are affectedInfo
DM-31Call Trim Request Logs ScriptInfo
DM-32Error While Trimming Request Logs Script. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-33Finished Running Trim Request Logs ScriptInfo
DM-41Call Shrink Database ScriptInfo
DM-42Error While Running Shrink Database Script. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-43Finished Running Shrink Database ScriptInfo
DM-51Call Index Optimize ScriptInfo
DM-52Error While Optimizing Indexes. The error occurred is: {error message}Error
DM-53Finished Running the Index Optimization ScriptInfo
