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How to resolve password generation problems in the MSOL Sync Policy


By default Office 365 has the below Password Policy Requirements. If your Atria Active Directory contains a password policy that is more restrictive than this, then during sync for a new tenant the MSOL Sync process may error when attempting to import users.

Office 365 Default Password Complexity settings

The password must contain minimum 8 characters and maximum 16 characters and cannot contain the username. It requires 3 out of 4 the following:

  • Lowercase characters
  • Uppercase characters
  • Numbers (0 - 9)
  • Symbols like @ # $ % ^ & * – _ + = [ ] | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ < > ( ) ;


On-premise Active Directory Password Policy is configured and enabled (FGPP - Fine Grain Password Policy)



In this example, the following steps will match the current Active Directory Password Policy to the MSOL Sync Policy

  1. Locate and review the existing AD Password Policy in your Active Directory. img1

  2. Edit the Password Sync Policy by following the steps in this article: How to add and update MSOL Sync Policies

  3. After updating the Sync Policy, make sure to re-provision the Azure AD service on the customer

  4. After provisioning, re-run the Sync process on the specific customer: Go to Services > Microsoft Online > Azure AD Sync and toggle Sync Tenant


If any errors occurred during the Sync process, this can be seen on the Provisioning Logs. If you require further assistance send a copy of the log results to to raise a new support ticket.